Thursday, October 6, 2011

My First Post

Hello blog world!  This is my first go at this so bare with me as I figure it out.  I have been folllowing a couple of bloggers and thought it would be interesting to start my own.  In light of the passing of Steve Jobs, an incredible innovator of our time, I am going to follow one of the things he said.  ".....the only way to do great work is love what you do."  Well,  I don't know about the great work part but I have a love for design and DIY so I guess I will start there.  Currently, I am a stay at home mom of an awesome 2 year boy.  It's amazing what a 2 year old can come up with and what they can get into.  I was an art major who, after college did nothing with the $25,000.00 degree and decided to work in hotels as an event planner......go figure.  I stopped working as soon as I had my son and have reclaimed my passion for art and design and now I have an outlet for it on this blog.  So I will be posting images of some of my passions and I hope you enjoy.  Looking forward to blogging.......god that sounds so cheesy.


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