Thursday, October 6, 2011

Build It On A Budget Treehouse

So my husband and I wanted to get our son something great for his second birthday and we thought what could be better than a treehouse!  We are a family on a budget and knew that a nice, new, fully installed playhouse was not in a our price range so we decided to do it ourselves and for a fraction of the price.  Below are some pictures of the construction.
When we went to purchase our material for the project we were a bit concerned about using pressure treated wood due to the chemicals.  I know they have decreased the amount of chemicals they use on pressure treated wood but it was still a concern for us since our son would be all over this sucker.

We also knew that cedar and redwood were the best material for this project but, in our area, this is custom ordered and EXPENSIVE.  So we came up with a plan to use pressure treated lumber for the support structure and cedar fence pickets for the floor boards and railing.  Saved us a TON of money!!!

HE LOVES IT!  Great idea.......low cost.......fantastic reaction!  Happy Birthday!

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