Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Great Wall......gone!

The first order of business when we bought our new house was to take out the wall between the kitchen and the dining room. The second was to take down what seemed like miles and miles of wallpaper we had in every square inch of the house.  Below are some pictures of the plaster wall coming down. Much bigger project than I anticipated! We are still working on our kitchen but I will show pics of that soon.

Kids Painting

As I have been working on updating our house I have been working on getting back into my art.  I was an art major in college but after I graduated I got a "real job" and left my art in the dust.  Well, since I am a stay at home mom in my early 30's I decided now is the time to get back to it.  I have lots of girlfriends who are having kids and I wanted to paint something special for their chldren.  Below is one the paintings I have completed but I am working on several more that I will post as I finish them!